Of mildews and men

Tuesday morning, a little after 7 in the morning, my little text notification sound went off.  Was it one of my crew, telling me that the box truck was stuck in the mud again?  No, it was the Cucurbit Downy Mildew alarm system, telling me that Downy Mildew had been...

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Spud Story

Spud Story

New Potatoes are one of our fun crops of early summer.  We usually start harvesting in late June or early July.  In my early farming days, it was a stretch goal to get them in by the Fourth of July, but now we regularly harvest them a week or two ahead of that thanks...

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Here comes June!

Here comes June!

The seasons in New England are truly a roller coaster ride, especially for those of us who make our living with the seasons.  The winter resembles the long slow chug up the first hill, building up kinetic energy for the long breath-taking hurtle down the track, which...

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R.I.P. Pig Floyd

R.I.P. Pig Floyd

Pig Floyd, the charismatic boar beloved by many, passed away on May 1 after a very long life. Pig Floyd came to Simple Gifts Farm in 2007, as a piglet. Farmer Dave got him from a farmer named Floyd. Really! The name was inevitable. Pig Floyd helped to produce many...

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